You might have used the MSConfig tool built in Windows to speed up the boot-up process. MSConfig allows you to disable those applications from auto-starting that you do not need. But if you still have a lot of garbage in the registry that is slowing down PC operations, it is because the MSConfig tool hasn’t permanently deleted the items from the registry. It would have been a great start-up manager if it could delete the items for good from the registry instead of just disabling them. Here is where MSConfig Cleanup Utility, another excellent one from the stable of Camtech 2000, can come handy. It scans for items that you have already disabled through MSConfig, and deletes them forever. It scans through the registry and weeds out things that are no longer needed. Thus it prevents your registry from bloating up and hampering performance. A simple, clear user interface shows you a list of disabled start-up registry items, disabled start-up folder items and disabled services. You only have to select them and press delete. As simple as that. This eliminates the need to study and edit the registry, which is a big plus, because one mistake in the manual process could permanently damage the OS.